I am so happy that IBM has finally finished the APAR that I had reported a few months back. PH31374 has been coded up andRead More
Author: user

I have been doing a deep dive into this product, in my ten years I have never been an actual user of this product asRead More
I have finally completed the great migration off my old homelab box. Over 5 terabytes of data were migrated off FreeNAS onto Windows Server 2019,Read More

So you have decided to add a new CMAS to an existing CICSplex and realized that there is little to no documentation online to thisRead More
Happy 2019 everyone, I know that its already June but it feels like the year just started. So far the big things that happened toRead More

So a few things about Sonarr, it has a very limited number of indexers so you definitely need to set up Jackett in the sameRead More

I have been using sickRage for automation of my homelab seedbox setup for the last 6 months without a hickup. The only complaint that IRead More

It looks like AWS certification is the way to go along with learning more about containerization. I should stand up a container platform in myRead More

I have been away from all of this for a few months now, perhaps even half a year. In this time my wife has givenRead More
So I have been on vacation for what feels like 2 weeks now even tho I was back in the office for a bit betweenRead More